4 Types of Malocclusion Fixed by Invisalign

Malocclusion Fixed by Invisalign, TN

Invisalign is an extremely popular orthodontic method for properly aligning the teeth and bite. In fact, as of 2014, it is estimated by Invisalign’s manufacturer that around 2.4 million people have been treated using Invisalign aligners since their introduction in the late 90s. Although there are many different reasons to choose Invisalign orthodontic treatment, many people elect this type of treatment for its discreteness.  With Invisalign treatment, clear aligner trays are worn 20-22 hours a day and are only removed during meal times or while brushing and flossing. As the patient moves through treatment, these aligners are gradually progressed so … Continue reading

Does My Root Canal Crown Need a Replacement? 3 Signs to Look For

Does My Root Canal Crown Need a Replacement, TN

If you have ever suffered from a pulp infection, you know that they are not something you’d voluntarily like to experience again. However, even after the pulp infection is removed from the inside of the tooth with a root canal and the external structure is restored with a dental crown, there is still a risk of developing another infection.  One common cause of a recurring pulp infection is problems with the dental crown. Although dental crowns protect your tooth, problems can arise when the crown is damaged, loosened, or falls off. If a dental crown becomes compromised in any way, … Continue reading

The Top 4 Causes of Gum Recession

Top 4 Causes of Gum Recession, TN

When you smile, do your teeth look alarmingly large? Do you feel a dull ache when drinking cold or hot beverages? Do you gums suddenly look “loose”? If you find yourself answering yes to any of these questions, then chances are you are affected by gum recession.  Gum recession is the process by which your gums begin to pull away from your teeth. This causes your teeth to appear larger than usual, exposes your tooth roots, and can contribute to tooth sensitivity. You may even notice a notch around the gum line which is the transition from the crown to … Continue reading

5 Things Porcelain Veneers Can Fix

Things Porcelain Veneers Can Fix, TN

When it comes to dental procedures, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just snap your fingers and have the smile of your dreams? Unfortunately, reality doesn’t work that way. However, there are certain cosmetic dental treatments that can offer you an amazing smile without a lot of work. While it won’t be as simple as snapping your fingers, having dental veneers placed is almost as easy.  Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of natural teeth. They are considered a conservative cosmetic dental treatment because they require minimal preparation for placement. In fact, only … Continue reading

5 Facts About Sinsational Smile Teeth Whitening

Sinsational Smile Teeth Whitening, TN

Individuals looking to whiten their teeth have no shortage of options. For starters, there are a variety of over the counter whitening treatments such as toothpaste, strips, trays, pens, and lights. While these do contain the same type of whitener used in professional teeth whitening procedures, it takes longer to see results. This is primarily because the concentration of the whitener is diluted over the counter treatments.  Conversely, professional teeth whitening procedures performed by a cosmetic dentist use a stronger concentration and yield faster results. However, there are even whitening options with professional teeth whitening. Different cosmetic dentists may offer … Continue reading

The Top 5 Reasons to Get Dental Implants

Reasons to Get Dental Implants, TN

Did you know that the American College of Prosthodontics estimates that as many as 178 million Americans have a single missing tooth and 40 million are missing all their teeth? They attribute the main causes of tooth loss to dental decay, gum disease, and trauma. Regardless of how a tooth is lost, the important thing is to have it replaced as soon as possible to prevent future complications, such as an improper bite.  One common restoration method for missing teeth are dental implants. In fact, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry notes that as many as 3 million Americans currently … Continue reading

The Top 5 Ways to Prevent Cavities

Ways to Prevent Cavities, TN

As of 2016, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that over 90% of American adults have had a cavity and one in every four adults currently has an untreated cavity, making dental cavities one of the most common chronic health problems. Despite the prevalence at which cavities occur, they are completely preventable.  General dentists are responsible for helping their patients maintain their oral health, however it is the patient’s responsibility to attend regular appointments and follow the instructions provided by their dentist. To prevent dental cavities, a dental exam and cleaning should be scheduled once every six months. … Continue reading

3 Signs You Need a Root Canal

Why you need a Root Canal, TN

Ah, the dreaded root canal. Ask almost anyone and they’ll tell you that they would rather do almost anything else than have a root canal. While root canals may have been uncomfortable in the past, modern root canals are no more uncomfortable than a dental filling when performed by a top dentist. Additionally, modern technology now makes it easier for dentists to effectively perform root canals faster and with better treatment outcomes.  Despite your disdain for root canals, they are actually a valuable restorative treatment that prevents the affected tooth from being lost altogether. You see, root canals are only … Continue reading

3 Waterlase® Treatments

Waterlase Treatments, TN

Are you one of the thousands of Americans who dread going to the dentist? Does the shrill scream of the dental drill or the thought of needles cause your stomach to churn? Do you hate feeling like a chipmunk after your appointment? If this sounds like you, there is good news. Thanks to modern dental technology, there is a new approach to dentistry that does not require dental drills or anesthetics. Developed by a company called Biolase, a new dental laser named Waterlase has been introduced. The Waterlase dental laser combines laser energy and water to offer effective, quiet, and … Continue reading

The Top 5 Things That Cause Cavities

Things That Cause Cavities, TN

Our entire lives,we’ve been told that cavities are bad and that we need to brush and floss in order to prevent them from occurring. We’ve also been told that sugar is bad for our teeth and should be limited if we want to keep our teeth healthy. However, do we actually know why we do these things? Often times, dental routines are instilled in us at a young age so we never question the why.  Simply stated, the “why” is to address the causes of cavities. A large part of preventative care is understanding what causes cavities so that the … Continue reading

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