Five Things You Should Know About Teeth Implants Near You

Dental implants have transformed the field of dentistry, offering a long-term solution for individuals with missing teeth. At Knoxville Smiles at Malone and Costa Dentistry in Knoxville, Tennessee, we know it’s essential to have a trusted dental provider near you who can partner with you on your dental wellness. As you explore the possibilities of restoring your smile, here are five crucial insights into dental implant services that can guide you toward making informed decisions for your oral health.

Teeth Implant Service Near Me Knoxville TN Area

Long-term Durability and Reliability

One of the primary advantages of dental implants lies in their durability and long-term reliability. Dental implants provide a permanent and robust solution, unlike traditional dentures or bridges, which may need adjustments or replacements over time. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, implants can last for decades, offering a stable and enduring foundation for your restored smile.

Mimicking Natural Teeth

Dental implants replicate the natural structure and appearance of your teeth. The implant itself serves as an artificial tooth root. This implant fuses with the jawbone through osseointegration, creating a solid and secure foundation. The visible part of the implant, the custom-made dental crown, is crafted to match the color, shape, and alignment of your existing teeth, resulting in a seamless and natural-looking smile.

Preservation of Jawbone Health

One critical aspect often overlooked is the impact of missing teeth on jawbone health. In instances of missing teeth, the underlying bone can begin to resorb over time from lack of stimulation. Dental implants play a unique role in preserving jawbone health. The implant mimics the function of a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone during activities such as chewing. This stimulation helps prevent bone loss, maintaining jaw integrity and facial structure.

Before & After Results

Before and After image of Teeth Implant Service Near Me Knoxville TN Area
Implant Hybrid Denture

Improved Chewing Functionality

Beyond aesthetics, dental implants significantly enhance chewing functionality. Other tooth restorations, such as dentures, may lead to challenges in chewing certain foods. Dental implants, on the other hand, restore full chewing function, allowing you to enjoy a varied and nutritious diet without restrictions. This improved functionality contributes to better overall health and well-being.

Comprehensive Consultation and Customization

Before embarking on the dental implant journey, a comprehensive consultation with your dentist is crucial.

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The consultation involves:

  • A thorough examination of your oral health, including the condition of your jawbone and adjacent teeth. This assessment helps determine your candidacy for dental implants and allows for the development of a personalized treatment plan
  • Determination of the number of implants needed, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, or denture), and the overall timeline are tailored to your specific needs and goals

Whether you have a single missing tooth or require a full-mouth restoration, dental implants offer a comprehensive and enduring solution, promising a confident and revitalized smile for years to come.

If you are in the Knoxville, Tennessee, area and have been searching for a dentist near you to restore your smile, you are in the right place. 

Call Drs. Costa and Malone and the team at Knoxville Smiles at Malone and Costa Dentistry at (865) 539-1776 to book an appointment.

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Dr. Micheal Costa

Dr. Costa

Dr. Stephen Malone

Dr. Malone

Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry offers a unique dental care experience to our patients in Knoxville, Tennessee, and the surrounding areas. The crew is committed to protecting and increasing the natural beauty of your smile by employing conservative, cutting-edge techniques that result in attractive, long-lasting smiles!

Our dedicated and experienced team of doctors includes Dr. Stephen Malone, D.M.D., University of Louisville, and Dr. Michael Costa, D.D.S., UNC School of Dentistry, M.H.A., UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC. They are firm believers in continuing education to provide their patients with the finest possible care.

Drs. Costa and Malone see their patients as real partners in their service. Our team is committed to making your dental care journey as pleasant as possible.

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