Can I Use Partial Dentures for Missing Front Teeth?

If you are missing some or all of the front teeth, you may be considering getting dentures to replace them. However, you may not need a full set of dentures, and partial dentures may be a good option. The idea of dentures may leave you worried about a false-looking solution or poor-quality dentures that don’t look real. Fortunately, Drs. Stephen Malone and Michael Costa of Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry in Knoxville, Tennessee understand your concerns and are pleased to provide beautiful acrylic partial dentures to replace your front teeth.

Partial Dentures for Front Teeth in Knoxville TN Area

How Does a Partial Denture Work?

Partial dentures are made to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, and they can be removable or fixed (attached to existing teeth). They are usually made of plastic/acrylic and metal and are customized to match the color and shape of your natural teeth. This ensures that they blend in with the smile when they are in place and look as natural as possible!

Why Do I Need Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures can help you eat and speak more easily, and they can also improve the appearance of your smile. Being able to bite into foods effectively comes in handy when enjoying some of your favorite foods, and thanks to partial dentures, this is possible.

What are the Benefits of Partial Dentures?

There are several advantages to partial dentures that make them an appropriate choice for many of our patients who visit our Knoxville area practice. Our high-quality partial dentures:

  • look like natural teeth as they are made to match the patient’s current smile
  • are an economical option, often covered partially or entirely with dental insurance plans
  • are easy to remove, making it simple to keep them clean and have them adjusted regularly by the dentist
  • can be easy and affordable to replace if breakage or changes to the smile cause them to not fit and function as they should
  • are easier to adjust to than full dentures as they do not always cover the palette area and instead use the existing teeth to support them in place
  • are a more affordable option when compared to full dentures, dental implants, or dental bridges, also available at our practice
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New Patients : (865) 426-1776 Existing Patients : (865) 539-1776
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Am I a Candidate for Partial Dentures to Replace Other Teeth?

Partial dentures are not only used for the teeth in the front of the smile. They can be used in other areas of the mouth to replace one or more teeth in the dental arch. Speaking with a dentist and undergoing an initial consultation appointment is best to determine if your tooth loss can be effectively resolved with an affordable partial denture.

Call Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry

If you are considering partial dentures, talk to your dentist about whether or not they are appropriate for your unique dental needs. The office can be reached at (865) 426-1776 to schedule a consultation with our team at 264 South Peters Road in Knoxville, Tennessee. Drs. Stephen Malone and Michael Costa are open to new and established patients in their office.

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Dr. Micheal Costa

Dr. Costa

Dr. Stephen Malone

Dr. Malone

Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry offers a unique dental care experience to our patients in Knoxville, Tennessee, and the surrounding areas. The crew is committed to protecting and increasing the natural beauty of your smile by employing conservative, cutting-edge techniques that result in attractive, long-lasting smiles!

Our dedicated and experienced team of doctors includes Dr. Stephen Malone, D.M.D., University of Louisville, and Dr. Michael Costa, D.D.S., UNC School of Dentistry, M.H.A., UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC. They are firm believers in continuing education to provide their patients with the finest possible care.

Drs. Costa and Malone see their patients as real partners in their service. Our team is committed to making your dental care journey as pleasant as possible.

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