Enjoy services such as implant-supported dentures in Knoxville, TN area practice

Implant-supported Dentures Service at Malone & Costa Dentistry in Knoxville TN Area

Implant-supported dentures are a highly desirable option for patients who need tooth replacement but want a permanent and properly functioning solution. Drs. Stephen Malone and Michael Costa of Knoxville, TN work directly with patients to help them determine if the implant-supported denture service is appropriate for their needs. In this article, we will cover the cost, process, and benefits of implant-supported dentures. What are implant-supported dentures? The team at Knoxville Smiles at Malone and Costa Dentistry in Knoxville, TN describe the implant-supported denture as a highly individualized and customized solution for a patient’s smile when all the teeth in the … Continue reading

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